What better way for your organization to raise funds while having fun!

Your group of 30 or more can have your own private, fundraising session. Great for churchs, missions, youth groups, sporting clubs , benefits for those less fortunate and so much more.... raise money for anything you can think of, with us at Thunder Blades Roller Rink!
At $8 for admission including roller skate rental, blade rental $2 extra, it's a great value. You pick any 2 hours time slot that we're not open to the public. You can pick the style of music you would like played. But Wait there's more...for every paid admission above 30, you will earn a $1 back towards your cause. The more you invite, the more you earn!
*All guests at your private event will be charged, skatng or not.
Fund Raising parties are avaliable anytime we're not open to the public.
Avaliable times:
Mondays . . . . . all day
Tuedays . . . . . .mornings & afternoons
Wednesday. . . mornings & afternoons
Thursdays . . . .mornings & afternoons
Fridays . . . . . . .mornings & afternoons
Saturdays. . . . .early mornings
Sundays . . . . . .early mornings & evenings
For more information or to schedule,
please call/text our mobile number at
612-388-2900 OR give our office a call at
763-631-7655 or fill out the form below.