Your group of 30* or more can have your very own private session. A great way to celebrate accomplishments, do awards ceremony, have members invite friends or just to have a good time with only you and your loved ones.
This is a great source of fun for clubs, scouts, summer camps, day cares, schools, church's, youth groups, businesses and of course, family and friends. For 120 minutes of fun, it's only $425 for up to 30 guests and an additional $14 per guests above that.
*All guests at your private event will be counted in the cost, skating or not.
Private parties are available when we're not open to the public.
Available times:
Mondays . . . . . all day
Tuesdays . . . . . mornings & afternoons
Wednesday . . . mornings & afternoons
Thursdays . . . . mornings & afternoons
Fridays . . . . . . . mornings & afternoons
Saturdays . . . . . early mornings
Sundays . . . . . . early mornings & evenings
Music, lights, and rolling in fun. What better way celebrate and have a good time than with your very own private session.

For more information or to schedule,
please call/text our mobile number at
612-388-2900 OR give our office a call at
763-631-7655 or fill out the form below.